

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, Exterior, 乔治。, 桑福德定制建筑商

A state-of-the-art family clubhouse redefines secondary spaces.

摄影:Dan Cutrona(外景),Michael J. 李(室内)

When a 韦斯顿 family acquired their neighboring property, 没过多久,他们就打电话给乔治。建筑事务所, 桑福德定制建筑商, 和考夫林室内设计公司. 在这一点上, 客户已经“有了一个愿景的开端”,Marc 卡普兰如是说。, 桑福德定制建筑商的总裁/所有者, 描述了. After discussing the feasibility of transforming the 1960’s-built home into an all-encompassing family sports complex and retreat space, 项目组把计划付诸实施.

卡普兰, alongside interior designer Kate Coughlin of Coughlin内饰, 曾为客户的主要住宅工作过吗, which Coughlin 描述了 as “more traditional” in its aesthetics compared to the contemporary, 新空间将表达流线型的风格. Bringing the two back for this project was a no-brainer for the client, 是谁聘请了Treffle LaFleche的专家, 乔治。建筑公司的负责人 & 内饰, to formulate a state-of-the-art design for the complex.

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, 室内, 乔治。, Coughlin内饰, 桑福德定制建筑商, 高尔夫模拟器, 室内果岭“They wanted something completely different from their home,LaFleche说. 虽然脆, contemporary final product echoes that of a brand new build, LaFleche found that “there already were interesting spatial conditions within that original structure that we could take advantage of.” One of those elements was a classic New England pitched roof, under which lay a footprint conducive to plans for a squash court, 厨房和休闲休息室, 一间客房, 一个健身房, 外加一个室内果岭和高尔夫模拟器. “为了修建壁球场, 我们不得不拿出大约20%的地基, and surgically insert steel beams to support taller ceilings where taller ceilings didn’t exist beforehand,卡普兰回忆道. “在新建筑中,通常会有起重机. In this case, we surgically inserted the steel, which was a really fun challenge.”

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, 室内, 乔治。, Coughlin内饰, 桑福德定制建筑商, 壁球场Though structural changes were necessary to align with the new program, the property’s proximity to an environmentally-sensitive area made sustainability a driving force in the team’s approach. “通过节省现有结构的一部分, we could be more sensitive and economical in how we disturbed the land, 哪一点对客户来说也是非常有吸引力的,LaFleche说.

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, 室内, 乔治。, Coughlin内饰, 桑福德定制建筑商, 高尔夫模拟器反过来, the overall concept for the design—both inside and out—honors the simplicity of the surrounding woodlands, with large windows and simple furnishings that let nature shine through. “With the nature of the house being open with great big windows looking outside, 很容易考虑到清洁, 更简约的室内设计,Coughlin说。. “作为一个整体,它真的可以独立存在.流线型的, contemporary interiors include light oak tones with black accents and natural wood built-ins, with a bold Garfield art piece that cleverly mirrors the vibrance of the adjacent putting green. 

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, 室内, 乔治。, Coughlin内饰, 桑福德定制建筑商It was only natural for the clean, minimalist approach to continue outdoors. “从概念上讲, there was a real alignment in terms of simplicity for the exterior of the structure as well as the landscape,道格·琼斯说, LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所的负责人. “We wanted the landscape to be a quiet, enveloping moment that lives in harmony with the house.” By reintroducing native species to replace invasive plants, 在新的草地上播种,与家园一起成长, 景观设计唤起了一种有机, 安静的感觉.

Meadowbrook, 韦斯顿, 运动复杂, 室内, 乔治。, Coughlin内饰, 桑福德定制建筑商, 厨房“We are designing these secondary retreat spaces more and more,LaFleche说, 谁在这个项目中注意到了这一点, 在俱乐部风格的空间中注入“个人”, intimate quality” was key to manifesting the client’s vision. “That’s what designers do—we try to find ways to adjust those forms and spaces to accommodate the way we live in today’s world, 并满足客户的期望,LaFleche想. “我认为这就是建筑之美.”

师: 乔治。架构 & 内饰建造者: 桑福德定制建筑商、室内设计师: Kate Coughlin室内设计、景观设计师: LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所景观: R.P. Marzilli景观专业人士

