

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Exterior, Cohasset, 室内设计

As the reimagination of this Cohasset residence by Cummings Architecture + Interiors nears completion, the seamless fusion of old and new continues in the home’s interiors. 这里曾是爱德华和伊萨芬·摩尔·惠莱特夫妇的避暑之所, the estate housed an extensive collection of art that was eventually donated to the MFA. 经常去巴黎旅行, the Wheelwrights designed and decorated the original residence to reflect French style, which became a source of inspiration for the home’s latest iteration. 通过欧洲式的结构调整, 错综复杂的细节, 复杂的装饰, 独特的颜色选择, the work-in-progress is a journey through time with a harmonious blend of modern lifestyle elements.

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Living Room, Cohasset, 室内设计明迪哈伯, Cummings Architecture + Interiors首席室内设计师, has taken the helm in reimagining the interiors of the coastal property. “It was important for us to keep as much of the integrity of the original home as possible, 同时为现代日常生活更新部分空间,哈伯说。. Materials from the original home were meticulously conserved and repurposed wherever feasible, assuring that the renovation preserved its unique allure and individuality while blending the old with the new in a thoughtful manner.

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Informal, Cohasset, 室内设计房子的正式部分从主门厅开始, 通向客厅, 图书馆, 用餐区. 在管家的食品室那边, the home's relaxed and informal living areas beckon the lifestyle of the young family with casual materials that play harmoniously with the overall aesthetic of the property.

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Primary Bath, Cohasset, 室内设计Notwithstanding the division, continuity is evident throughout the home. 正式和非正式的生活区共享欧洲的魅力, with Haber's introduction of soft curves and arches that blend seamlessly with the exterior character of the house. “我们引入的曲线给他们一种浪漫的感觉, much like the Turret which is such a prominent architectural element of the home,哈伯说。. 灵感来自法国设计中常见的曲率, 哈伯在厨房里选了一个钟形的兜帽, 储藏室里弯曲的长凳, 还有雕塑般的家具. 

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Kitchen, Cohasset, 室内设计Curves and arches are carried into the primary suite, which is a reprieve of understated elegance. “大部分灵感来自海外旅行,”哈伯解释说. 法国和欧洲口音和纹理层次, 旁边是分层的亚麻布和混合金属, set a perfect backdrop for the sweeping harbor views that can be admired from the tower. An old world elegance akin to the Bordeaux countryside meets timeless design and sophistication that marries the old with the new.

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Primary Suite, Cohasset, 室内设计The present day homeowners’ appreciation for art was also a driving force in the interior design vision. Wallpaper and color selection were strategically chosen to complement creative pieces. “We chose cork wallpaper as a neutral yet textured backdrop on many of the walls to let the art speak for itself,哈伯说。. A palette of blues and greens pays homage to the coastal environment yet evokes a sense of timelessness. 除了三楼的阁楼, which was designed to serve as a cozy family gathering area and features navy tones and dark trim, 一个古老的白色装饰贯穿整个家,提供了一个温暖, 老感觉. “我们喜欢意想不到的东西,”哈伯说. 与一组口音壁纸, 声明灯具, 全球采购的装饰, 在不放弃家的地方感的情况下增加了炫目的风格  

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Informal, Cohasset, 室内设计新与旧的完美结合, this home demonstrates a brilliant fusion of modern lifestyle elements and historic character from all angles. As a result of Haber’s vision and expertise coupled with a collaborative spirit among all involved, 家不仅仅是一个居住的地方, 而是一件超越时间的艺术品. 

Wheelwright House, Cummings Architecture, Primary Bath, Cohasset, 室内设计Follow along as we capture the completed project in Part III of this blog series!

