


A new family home is designed to connect with its serene, natural setting while providing ample opportunities to gather.

When the homeowners purchased this secluded parcel in Concord, there were no existing structures on the three-acre property, a lush meandering combination of meadow and farmland punctuated by historic white oak trees. 他们设法保存藏起来的东西, tranquil nature of the landscape while building a forever-home for their family of four. As they planned to relocate from out of state, the homeowners tapped Hutker建筑师 设计他们的新住所.


“他们来找我们,给了我们一个很苛刻的最后期限,吉姆·卡布奇诺回忆道, a partner with the firm and the lead architect on the project; associate Erin Levin also contributed to the design. “In a little more than a year the family had to be moved into the house—in time for the start of the school year in September,他说.


这对夫妇雇佣了 Brookes + Hill定制建筑商, a firm that has great synergy with the Hutker team. “They had interviewed a couple of other builders, 但是当我们见到他们的时候, 我们只是一拍即合,仅此而已,Brookes + Hill的负责人Eric Hill说.


Cappuccino devised plans for a sprawling one-level home comprised of simple, cedar clad gable forms that take cues from the pastoral setting of the property. A key emphasis in the design phase was put on how the home connects with its surroundings. “During the day as you approach the house you notice how it sits in reverence to the landscape,卡布奇诺说. “在晚上,里面灯火通明, you get a different perspective from outside of the house—it’s about seeing the artwork through the large expanses of glass.”


Showcasing the homeowners’ diverse collection of art was an integral facet of the project. 多年来, they’d collected a lot of art and having space to hang the art was something we put a lot of thought into,卡布奇诺说. A hallway that runs along the central living space at the front of the home serves as a gallery that showcases several works; other pieces are hung in various rooms. “Large scale art requires big expanses of walls and figuring that out was tricky because it was also important that abundant windows showcase views of the yard and bring in sunlight,卡布奇诺说.

The house is comprised of three separate volumes attached by glass-walled connectors, which filter in considerable sunlight throughout the adjacent spaces. 另外, since the main living area—located in the central volume of the house—is one-and-a-half stories high, two shed dormers were created in the roof that filter light down into the great room, 墙上是用来挂艺术品的.


The exterior’s simple rustic forms give way to a more modern interior, where the color scheme defers to the artwork and the ever-evolving hues of the landscape. 在, furnishings exude a low-profile and materials feel natural and evocative of the setting, 比如画廊的地板, which is made of petrified stone inset with tiny fossils. “It’s clean-lined and modern with a warmth and organic quality to it,卡布奇诺说.


The wife has family in the area, in fact, says Hill, her sister was able to build a home next door. “Their plan was to live together and create a sort of compound.” To accommodate the extended family for meals, the homeowners requested easy gathering spaces both indoors and out. 这对夫妻都喜欢做饭, so the 厨房 was an important part of the project,卡布奇诺说. 设计的 贝 & 公司, dual quartz-topped islands provide plenty of prep space as well as seating so the cook can have company while he or she preps dinner.


但是当家人需要休息的时候, the floorplan allows for everyone in the family to have their own space. The kids’ bedroom suites are to the left of the home’s central volume and the master, 包含另一侧的机翼.


In the end, the strict timeline was met: the family was moved in before the school year began. “We were able to achieve this because the homeowners were capable of making quick decisions and we had such a good design team,杰西卡·格里菲斯说, Brookes + Hill事务所的另一位负责人. “We’d meet once a week to go over the deliverables. Everyone understood that if you didn’t get done what you were supposed to the family wasn’t going to be in on time. We all had to be very collaborative and fast, and we did it. It was really special how it all came together.”

架构: Hutker建筑师
建设: Brookes + HIll定制建筑商
室内设计: Hutker建筑师
厨房设计: 贝和公司
景观 Design: Horiuchi and Solien 景观建筑师
景观建设: 缟玛瑙公司
摄影: 迈克尔·J. 李
