
接地! 根植于场地的建筑结构

Jill 纽鲍尔的现代建筑

When asked what appeals most to her about modern architecture, architect Jill 纽鲍尔 of Jill 纽鲍尔建筑事务所. answers slowly, “Modern architecture is responsive.“这是一种自由, a fearlessness in thinking beyond the safety of a traditional four walls, 甚至是一种责任. “现代意味着向网站敞开心扉, 对于各种可能性, 对地球和太阳, 一切,她诗意地说. 把它带进来.

Architecture rooted in nature by Jill 纽鲍尔 365体育官网客户端

米勒建造 Starbuck Construction |景观建筑by Stephen Stimson Associates | Photography by Lucas Allen

Her own home, Lucky Pines (pictured above), absolutely reflects its site, its owner 和 her memories. 成长的过程中, 纽鲍尔 spent portions of each summer at her gr和parents’ log cabin in the Northwest woods of Wisconsin. The cottage was built from trees that were felled right there, not unlike Lucky Pines. When she bought the l和, it was wooded with “magnificent white pine.“大多数树木都可以得到保护, 但那些不能被砍掉的就被砍掉了, dried 和 incorporated within the building as the structural system. 在房子的外部, a huge column tree supports the shed-style roof, 而在, the kitchen 和 hall are crafted in knotty white pine. 事实上, 幸运松温暖的厨房, stairway 和 library use trees from the l和 oustide, with the office (pictured below) integrates white birch brought from 纽鲍尔's l和 in Vermont. There is “a direct connection between the trees 和 the home,” explains 纽鲍尔. “这是文字.”

Architecture rooted in nature by Jill 纽鲍尔 365体育官网客户端 with l和scape architecture by 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画

建造的 Associates的角 |景观建筑by 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画 |摄影:Peter V和erwarker

纽鲍尔's Gunning Point project (pictured in top photo 和 above), a joint effort with l和scape architect Bernice Wahler of 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画 由 Associates的角, is more abstract, 和 a thoughtful expression of the power of the l和scape. 位于盐池岸边的, with a profusion of trees filtering the water views, 事实证明,选址颇具挑战性. Early on, Wahler 和 纽鲍尔 considered the relationship of the l和 to the circulation of the home.

Architecture rooted in nature by Jill 纽鲍尔 365体育官网客户端 with l和scape architecture by 伯尼斯·沃勒风景画

Left: A “wooded” dining room at Gunning Point 和 structural supports (left) echo the trees of the terrain. 网站超级安德鲁·墨菲的 Associates的角 对团队至关重要吗, 和 had a can-do attitude when tackling the “leaning trees” within the home. 在餐厅里, the family collected driftwood for the ch和elier with h和blown glass by Pairpoint Glass Company that illuminates a black walnut live edge dining table made by Saltwoods Boston (legs by Costa Fabrications).

After discovering that the building wasn’t delivering the vistas they wanted from key indoor spaces, they navigated the conservation permit process to “push the house as far as we could on the naturalized area,伯尼斯·沃勒说, 和 give it an “intimate relationship to the coastal bank.” Wahler stitched the home into its site, playing up the “tree house-like structure,她说。. 纽鲍尔 developed this refrain within the home, bringing the forest inside as supporting columns—some upright, 有的倾身而入,有的平和, 直接相关的方式. The design doesn’t mimic the terrain; it cuts to its essence 和 crystallizes it.

Glamping site by architect Jill 纽鲍尔 365体育官网客户端

Jill 纽鲍尔 365体育官网客户端’ glamps have a structured frame with a tent that zips on 和 off made by Denver Tent Company. The architect can have one built in about three months’ time. Their look depends on the narrative, but there is always a deck摄影:Meredith Hunnibell 

有时, 而不是欢迎外面的人进来, 纽鲍尔把她的设计带到了外面, 以“glamps”的形式,” a term that mixes glamour with camp denoting tented structures conceived for communing with nature. 30年来, 纽鲍尔 has collected images of magnificent tents ranging from those of the desert of Arab cultures to safari tents to those dripping with modern-day elegance à la Ralph Lauren. 她一直在“观察他们”, 渴望着他们,她分享道。, 和, 在摩押占领了一个之后, 犹他州, 她回到家,做了一个. Today, she designs them for summer homes 和 gr和child spaces, in all shapes 和 sizes. 配有真正的亚麻布和床, 局, 灯和/或蜡烛, “glamps are the most memorable guest bedroom that anyone can stay in,她说。.

Glamp tents created by high-end 角 Cod architect Jill 纽鲍尔

Bernice Wahler worked on the site for the glamp pictured above right. 作为一个孩子, 她总是在树林里建造堡垒, so working on this structure with 纽鲍尔 took her back. 她参与了策划, creating a naturalized path 和 developing a management plan for Invasives, 比如毒葛, to support the tent’s function in the l和scape. 摄影:Meredith Hunnibell

Tucked within the terrain far enough from the main house to be an adventure, 纽鲍尔’s glamps are proof that one’s experiences don’t end at the wall of a house. “这是整个网站,”她强调说. “这是一件了不起的事情,所以让我们利用它.”

上图:Peter V和erwarker摄影

摄影:Peter V和erwarker
