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The Making of a Man Cave

The Making of a Man Cave

(Architecture by Catalano Architects; Built by E.W. Tarca Construction; Photography by Warren Patterson)

2月来了,这意味着超级碗和冬季奥运会也到了. 既然我们不是去索契,也不是去大都会体育场, for that matter, 我们把注意力转向了房子里第二个最好的座位:男人的洞穴.


Peter Fallon of Fallon Custom Homes & Renovations 要不要把"洞穴"这个词放在一边用"撤退"这个词代替,开玩笑说,男人可以站起来改变他们拖着指关节走路的形象. And since we’re good sports, 因为下面的设计没有史前的痕迹, 我们不仅仅是在思考是什么造就了一个大师 retreat.

Fallon Custom Homes

(Fallon Custom Homes & Renovations) 

而任何地方都可以被改造成一个人的隐居之所, 在建造阶段,指定的房间应“布线正确,绝缘正确”, says Fallon to limit any “impact on the family.” In basements, 法伦对地板进行了隔热处理,以控制音频的爆炸声,并安装了带有深井的通高窗户,让光线进入. 他的公司甚至把一个完整的马车房变成了绅士的度假胜地, 完整的办公交易中心设有多个屏幕, a pool table in one bay area and a wine cellar.

As for what to put in them? Seating you can sink into. Comfortable couches, modular seating that can accommodate groups, and, quite possibly, leather club chairs that can’t. Rugs and carpeting are also key, as they help absorb sound, whether from audio or the roar of the crowd. 

Jan Gleysteen Architects

(Architecture by Jan Gleysteen Architects; Construction Gilbanes Development Company; Interior Design by Kate Coughlin Interiors; Photography by Richard Mandelkorn)

说到音频,“我的感觉”法伦说, 就是男人的隐居处应该有一台大屏幕的电视(越大越好)!] and a wonderful sound system.“在这个空间里,房主可以抛开日常的烦恼,专注于娱乐. 

Man Cave

(Home Integration by Maverick Integration; Interior Design by Anthony Catalfano Interiors; Custom Built by Woodmeister Master Builders; Photography by Richard Mandelkorn)

Enter Maverick Integration. 这家尖端的家庭集成公司定制全自动系统,将生活空间变成媒体游乐场. Simply put? “观看比赛”有了全新的含义. Maverick Integration设计顾问John Bray解释说,解决方案就在那里,而且完全可以定制. For a man’s retreat, 他将利用公司专用家庭影院的技术,将一块12英尺宽的屏幕和一个隐藏的投影仪放在电视机前. This effect completely “transforms the space,” he says, 因为你正在观看的角色几乎是“真人大小”——几乎就像你在橄榄球场边或高山滑雪场脚下一样.

Maverick Integration

(Home Integration by Maverick Integration; Architecture by Mellowes & Paladino Architects; Built by Kenneth Vona Construction; Interior Design by Deysher Advisory Services; Photography by Greg Premru)

Bray补充道:“声音应该和你的屏幕一样大. 通过他们最先进的音响系统提升音频,与你的视频同步, gaming consoles, iPod, 平板电脑和壁挂式触摸屏造就了这种体验. 布雷建议,音乐爱好者可以打开蓝光DVD,调低屏幕(和灯光)!),体验一场全环绕立体声音乐会.

Catalano Architects

(Architecture by Catalano Architects; Photography by Eric Roth)

Now, let the games begin. Pool tables are the most popular choice, 不过法伦也建了保龄球馆和果岭, 简·格雷斯汀的男子疗养所设计了一个篮球场. Stephen Kelly of Boston Billiard Emporium says that “he has seen designers and architects plan a whole room around the pool table,” no doubt because his company, the oldest of its kind in the area, 提供漂亮的古董桌子以及定制的新设计.

Restored in his in-house wood shop, 凯利强调,他的古董桌子是可用的“家具”,“经受住了时间的考验”.波士顿台球商场(Boston Billiard Emporium)还可以进行任何所需的维修——从石板到镶嵌物——来翻新破旧的台球桌,让它重新投入使用. Antique cue sticks, 台球和配件也可提供, 和体育纪念品一起展示是完美的. 

Boston Billiards

(Image courtesy of Boston Billiard Emporium)

新的台球桌和配件可以根据客户的要求定制——从硬木的种类到布料的颜色再到表面的污渍,” says Kelly. 现在,玩家们有了一张与木制品无缝融合的台球桌, wainscoting or color palette in place. 

Boston Billiard Emporium

(Image courtesy of Boston Billiard Emporium)

Fallon Custom Homes 在他们设计的休养所中加入了一些令人难以置信的酒吧. 这些空间实际上是家中的豪华套房, 提供了另一个观看比赛的有利位置, and a spot to grab a beer and talk shop. Better yet, 添加一个内置的食物准备区,当孩子们被邀请时,你可以在那里提供零食和容纳他们.

Bars and mini kitchens aren’t a necessity, 但冰箱是必须的,这样才能让这些啤酒在手边保持冰冷. Christian Jason, owner-operator of Boston Appliance, 建议为你的男人的撤退配备Sub-Zero的UC-24BGO 24英寸柜台下饮料中心和玻璃门. 这款一体机配有酒架(可容纳红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒所需的温度)。, 引人注目的LED照明,甚至是与您的橱柜相匹配的定制面板.

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