
A Summer Affair: Inside a Historic, Feel-Good Nantucket 首页


有一辈子的朋友真好. And even better when one of your closest has not only your best interests at heart, 但是要注意地面. 这就是一个来自俄亥俄州的家庭, 从2002年起每年夏天都去楠塔基特岛度假, came to live their longtime dream of owning a home there. 当罗伯特·杜伯里, 一个在楠塔基特岛有自己家的建筑商, caught wind that an 1800s sea captain’s house in the historic district could be theirs, 他们很快在岛上扎下了根, 他们的“终极幸福之地”.” 

Finding the ideal interior designer to renovate 和 appoint their newfound, 四层楼的宝藏是他们自己首创的结果. 房主们发现了海滨设计的灵感 唐娜世界时装之苑 Design 在Pinterest上搜索, 和 soon struck up another mutually rewarding 和 meaningful relationship with local designer 唐娜世界时装之苑.

唐娜世界时装之苑, Principal of Nantucket-based interior design studio 唐娜世界时装之苑 Design

世界时装之苑, 如上图所示, 以及她的女儿兼合伙人凯蒂·威廉姆斯, who joined the firm in 2015 with a resume to match her impressive pedigree, 立刻被房主和她的风格迷住了. 作为四个孩子的妻子和母亲,她天生精力充沛, 他们解释, 和 a “joyful personality that is overwhelmingly optimistic,威廉姆斯补充道。.

他们发现她的设计眼光同样充满活力. 她喜欢乐趣胜过挑剔, adores color 和 hoped to distill 和 express the vitality of her large, 活跃的家庭, 哪个不停地向不同方向移动. 世界时装之苑, with a sixth-sense ability to connect with the vibe of her clients, 我立刻理解了她想要的表情.

Colorful stair 和 dining room of a historic Nantucket home, designed by 唐娜世界时装之苑

以上, 左:家的传统方面, 比如栏杆, 栏杆, 楼梯的镶板和新柱, 以新鲜和非典型的方式呈现. The original floorboards were finished by Chris Yates of 东木贸易公司 用一种定制的“肉豆蔻”色调.” Right: The dining room is a celebration of saturated color—from the painting by Cynthia Packard, 给海边的草皮铺上绿色的草布, 塞蕾娜号 & Lily bistro chairs surrounding the dining table (an estate sale find). 威廉姆斯买了一张带开口的蓝色锦缎地毯, 沿海模式,以地面空间的精细印痕, 和 世界时装之苑 topped it all off with a ch和elier of oyster shells.

在签约后几天内, 世界时装之苑 studied the architectural plans developed by Peninsula 365体育官网客户端 of Ohio. She became “enamored with the opportunity to address the traditional formulaic of 墙壁嵌板 和 trim detail to truly emphasize the client’s aura through design,她回忆道。, 创造“完全个性化”, 特制的内部.”

Colorful kitchen 和 breakfast nook in a Nantucket design project

上图左:后挡板,来自 艺术瓷砖,被选中了。 因为它闪闪发光 房主. 柜台是皇家丹比大理石, 世界时装之苑’s go-to surface for its soft blues 和 browns that speak to the sea 和 s和 of Nantucket. 里恰尔迪大理石 & 花岗岩 完成了大理石,然后 波士顿石修复 应用环氧树脂,使其万无一失.” Right: The isl和 和 breakfast nook showcase 世界时装之苑’s unabashed love of blue—navy so deep you can dive in, cornflower 和 sky—while the Roman shades show 世界时装之苑’s winning way with window treatments.

世界时装之苑 scoured a library of textiles from her go-to vendors—such as 舒马赫卡谭 & 吹捧, 方格, Studio 534梅里达地毯-回到她的工作室, 和 created room schematics 和 color schemes with fervor that spoke to the heart of her adroit design execution. The clients offered their enthusiastic approval 和 complete trust, 还有9个月的项目, 它已经有了自己的能量, 已经开始.

装修不仅仅是表面的选择. 最初, the intention was to maintain most of the home’s interior elements, but a significant amount of structural repair was needed. 为了保持住宅的历史特色, Deuberry, 谁监督了这个项目的建设, shipped the original 200-year-old framing 和 floorboards to Ohio, where they were stripped 和 re-milled by renowned Amish craftspeople 和 reinvented as the flooring, 墙壁嵌板, 橱柜, 嵌入式家具和壁炉架.

Nantucket loft 和 coastal master bedroom interior design by 唐娜世界时装之苑 Design

以上, 左图:这间阁楼微风习习,令人心旷神怡, its rich indigo grass cloth softened by floral upholstery, 编织, 藤制家具和彩虹贝壳“饮滴”.“对,主卧室, 配有定制床和床头板, 舒马赫 wallpaper that ascends to the ceiling 和 cylindrical ch和elier, 被塑造成某种茧, 还有一个两人的撤退.

Given that the architects 和 builder were working largely from Ohio offices, 世界时装之苑发现自己处于次要的领导角色, serving as their liaison 和 facilitating day-to-day operations alongside builder 和 carpenter Junior Froes. 她乐在其中. “建筑师, builders 和 subcontractors looked to 世界时装之苑 to guide the decisions,威廉姆斯解释道. 《365体育官网客户端》成了这个项目的指南针和翻译, 和 ensured that the client’s vision was brought to life.

海滨门廊,窗帘由唐娜世界时装之苑 Design设计

As the historic homes of this enclave are so tightly knit, 世界时装之苑’s vision for custom drapes in an outdoor acrylic fabric were hung on the porch for privacy.

结果是一首“交响乐”,世界时装之苑说。, a joyful home dripping with “pattern play” 和 a “tension,尽管没有压力, 在过去和现在之间. Every room is unique 和 treated to a high level of detail. 光是窗户装饰, 带着他们的装饰, 边缘, 边框和窗帘拉边, 把设计师放到另一个级别, while the fact that they shopped Nantucket retailers for the majority of the furnishings, accents 和 necessities only adds to what 世界时装之苑 calls “a happy project.”

唐娜世界时装之苑 design设计的后露台和水疗中心

A gem of an intimate backyard boasts an 8x8-foot gunite spa, 户外淋浴和柚木家具休闲.​

它的大, 大胆使用色彩和欢快的构图, the home 和 its kick-up-your-heels vibe redefine coastal interior design. 客户的功劳很大, 然而, 母女组断言, for allowing 世界时装之苑 to execute her craft in a way that was creative 和 limitless. 与南塔开特本身一样,这种自由创造了魔法.

摄影:Read McKendree / JBSA

Additional collaborators: architecture: Peninsula 365体育官网客户端 (OH); Two Hudson 365体育官网客户端 (OH); general contractor: Robert Deuberry of Charter St. Properties; carpentry: Junior Froes (角 Cod/Nantucket): l和scape architecture: Tanya McInerney; stylist: Frences Bailey

