


首页owners are using every inch of their properties 和 creating specialized structures that enhance the way they live. From amped-up entertainment barns 和 pool houses to beautiful boathouses, 花园建筑和鸡笼, 这些现场结构是功能性的, 娱乐和, 经常, 两者的混合.


high-end Boston architects, pool cabana 和 carriage house

Patrick Ahearn建筑师,Greg Premru摄影

帕特里克·埃亨校长,美国联邦航空管理局 Patrick Ahearn建筑事务所 all but wrote the book on creating spaces designed for the art of living well. He 经常 designs outbuildings for the Vineyard properties he conceives, but we were particularly struck by this multitasking structure that serves as a carriage house as well as a pool cabana. 

high-end Boston architects, pool cabana 和 carriage house

Patrick Ahearn建筑师,Greg Premru摄影

The building as a whole was designed on a smaller scale than the main home to respect the hierarchy of the property 和 bring that architectural balance that Ahearn’s firm is famous for. 而北立面作为马车房, the eastern side serves as a pool cabana with guest quarters above. The poolside’s entry echoes the design styling of the main entry, 和 includes playful Chippendale railings inspired by the portico 和 widow’s walk of the main home. 还有其他迷人的细节, like a ping-pong room with bricked flooring 和 sliding barn doors. 

high-end Boston architects, pool cabana 和 carriage house

Patrick Ahearn建筑师,Greg Premru摄影


查尔斯希尔顿建筑事务所 和格林威治有关系吗, 康涅狄格, homeowner that’s a throwback to that of the patron/architect bonds of yesteryear, when architects enhanced properties throughout generations. 



在超过25年的时间里, 查尔斯希尔顿建筑事务所 has added new structures to a Georgian estate as the homeowner has acquired new pieces of l和. Chief among those additions is a Marie Antoinette-inspired French Norm和y farmhouse, a secondary property made for entertaining 和 serving up farm-to-table fare. While we won’t be so bold to suggest that the farmhouse is an “outbuilding,“有一些结构是这样的, 包括上述柠檬, 哪个是2014年为居民的柠檬树建的. 



The Palladian structure was “inspired by the owners’ sojourns through the gardens of Italy,该公司表示, 当然看起来也很像, 有着质朴的石雕, 手工制作的青铜大门和入口喷泉. The limonaia was designed to comm和 attention to the central pavilion 和 loggia, features a potting room 和 antique carved limestone sink in pavilions at opposite ends, 和, 当然, 结出的果实是主人在他们的食谱中喜欢的.



在庄园的另一个地方, 查尔斯希尔顿建筑事务所 connected a chicken coop to an existing guesthouse. 稍微逊色了一点,但用处不减, 这种结构使鸡有了自己的窝, 和 the homeowners have fresh eggs from their working farm.



Rob Bramhall建筑事务所

When a picturesque Winnepesaukee shingle style lake house needed a worthy boathouse, 业主们应征入伍 Rob Bramhall建筑事务所 to completely reface the existing structure that had been there since 1921. The firm re-clad the boathouse in that unmistakable red cedar shingle finished with a green-black trim 和 refreshed the structure to be in keeping with the main home.


Rob Bramhall建筑事务所

的船库, 里面长满了花旗松, has space to garage three boats—including a vintage 1925 Chris-Craft, as well as a second-story family room that spills out to a lengthy terrace. The incredible views from the deck 和 the rippling waters below confirm the regional mantra that “Life is Better at the Lake.”


Rob Bramhall建筑事务所



经颅磁刺激建筑师; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

另一处湖边别墅,这是由 经颅磁刺激建筑师, sought to create a separate ‘playhouse’ that could delight their extensive family friends 和 serve as a favorite getaway destination. 对于外部, the firm used the same—or similar—materials to the main house 和 guest cottage, 包括雪松木瓦, 石饰面和铜屋顶, while the interior is replete with reclaimed chestnut wood from down south. An eight-foot wide cupola spills plenty of natural light into the structure, 它的设计让人想起缅因州的夏令营小屋. 


经颅磁刺激建筑师; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

虽然它被称为"游戏室", this outbuilding pleases young 和 old alike with amenities including a kids’ game room as well as an adult lounge warmed by a rustic double-stone fireplace, two 10-pin 和 duck-pin bowling alleys 和 a snack bar with vintage charm in spades. 体育馆, 然而, 配有露天看台座位和篮球场, 绝对是一个亮点, 并且在每年夏天来的粉丝中得分很高.


经颅磁刺激建筑师; photo by Rob Karosis Photography



LDa架构 & 内饰; photo by Eric Roth

When a client wanted an open-air pool house that they could also enjoy before the heat of the summer season, LDa架构 & 内饰 created a garden getaway, with proximity to both the house 和 pool. The homeowners didn’t want a patio or a screened-in porch, but rather a building that was open on all four sides where you can feel disconnected from the house yet connected to the l和scape.


LDa架构 & 内饰; photo by Eric Roth

“作为一个花园元素,我们可以在设计中发挥作用,LDa校长Treffle LaFleche说, 友邦保险, 该公司使用了“当代材料的语言”,包括一个钢结构的上层建筑, a timbered wood roof 和 copper cladding that connects the construct back to the main house. The fireplace became an integral design feature (key during the shoulder season), 金字塔形的天窗顶在建筑的顶端, 哪一个, 取决于一天中的时间, 阳光或星光下的溪流. 其他设施包括一个小酒吧, 水槽和冰箱, as well as a bathroom 和 changing room 和 a lower level that stows all of the pool equipment.
