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Modern Marvel

Meadowbrook, Weston,体育综合体,外部,LDa, Sanford定制建筑商


Photography by Dan Cutrona (exterior), Michael J. Lee (interior)

威斯顿一家买下了邻近的房产, it was not long before they called LDa Architects, Sanford Custom Builders, and Coughlin Interiors to the scene. At that point, the client already “had the beginnings of a vision,” as Marc Kaplan, President/Owner of Sanford Custom Builders, describes. 在讨论了将1960年代建造的住宅改造成一个包罗万象的家庭运动综合体和休闲空间的可行性之后, the project team put plans into motion.

Kaplan, 以及室内设计师Kate Coughlin Interiors, had worked on the client’s primary residence, 与当代艺术相比,考夫林将其描述为“更传统”的美学, streamlined style the new space would express. 对客户来说,把这两个人带回来做这个项目是很容易的, who enlisted the expertise of Treffle LaFleche, principal at LDa Architecture & 室内设计,为综合体制定最先进的设计.

Meadowbrook, Weston, Sports Complex, Interior, LDa, Coughlin Interiors, Sanford Custom Builders, Golf Simulator, Indoor Putting Green“他们想要一些与自己的家完全不同的东西,”LaFleche说. Though the crisp, 当代的最终产品与全新的建筑相呼应, LaFleche发现“在原始结构中已经有了我们可以利用的有趣的空间条件.“其中一个元素是典型的新英格兰斜屋顶, 在它下面有一个脚印,可以用来建壁球场, a kitchen and recreation lounge, a guest suite, a gym, plus an indoor putting green and golf simulator. “In order to build out the squash court, we had to take out probably 20% of the foundation, 然后像手术一样插入钢梁来支撑更高的天花板,而以前没有更高的天花板,” Kaplan recounts. “In new construction, you would normally have a crane. 在这种情况下,我们通过手术插入钢,这是一个非常有趣的挑战.”

Meadowbrook, Weston, Sports Complex, Interior, LDa, Coughlin Interiors, Sanford Custom Builders, Squash Court虽然结构上的变化是必要的,以配合新的计划, 该物业靠近环境敏感区域,使可持续性成为团队方法的驱动力. “By saving some percentage of that existing structure, 我们可以在扰乱土地的方式上更敏感、更经济, which was also highly compelling for the client,” says LaFleche.

Meadowbrook, Weston, Sports Complex, Interior, LDa, Coughlin Interiors, Sanford Custom Builders, Golf SimulatorIn turn, 设计的整体概念——内外——尊重周围林地的简单性, 有大窗户和简单的家具,让自然的光芒透过. “房子的本质是开放的,有很大的窗户可以看到外面, it was easy to allow for cleaner, more minimal interiors,” notes Coughlin. “As a whole it can really stand on its own.” The streamlined, 当代的室内设计包括浅橡木色调的黑色口音和天然木材内置, 大胆的加菲猫艺术作品巧妙地反映了邻近果岭的活力. 

Meadowbrook, Weston, Sports Complex, Interior, LDa, Coughlin Interiors, Sanford Custom Builders干净、极简主义的方法在户外继续是很自然的. “Conceptually, 建筑的外观和景观都非常简洁,” says Doug Jones, principal at LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects. “我们希望景观是一个安静的、包围的时刻,与房子和谐相处.“通过重新引入本地物种来取代入侵植物, and seeding a new meadow that would grow with the home, the landscape design evokes an organic, undisturbed feel.

Meadowbrook, Weston, Sports Complex, Interior, LDa, Coughlin Interiors, Sanford Custom Builders, Kitchen“我们正在设计越来越多的二级休闲空间,” says LaFleche, who notes that with this project, infusing the clubhouse-style space with “a personal, “亲密的品质”是体现客户愿景的关键. “这就是设计师所做的——我们试图找到方法来调整这些形式和空间,以适应我们在当今世界的生活方式, and to meet the expectation of the client,” LaFleche reflects. “I think that’s the beauty of architecture.”

Architect: LDa Architecture & Interiors, Builder: Sanford Custom Builders, Interior Designer: Kate Coughlin Interiors, Landscape Architect: LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects, Landscape: R.P. Marzilli Landscape Professionals


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